Project description
Our research group has been monitoring tweets related to COVID-19 vaccines since November 2020. This website is a constantly updated dashboard to visualize what the crowd is talking about and what pieces of information are being shared. Data collection ended on July 12, 2023.
Why is it relevant?
With the recent approval of COVID-19 vaccines, a large debate about safety has emerged on social media. Positions in favor and against the vaccines have fueled such a discussion with arguments that are often based on unreliable sources, when not on fake news.
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Where in the World
Which countries are tweeting about COVID-19 vaccines?
This map shows from which countries people are tweeting about COVID-19 vaccines. The project is currently analyzing only tweets written in English, so it is normal that more English-speaking states are highlighted. Darker colours mean a higher concentration of tweets.
This Week in Hashtags
What were the most tweeted hashtags in the last 7 days?
Here is a glance at the hottest hashtags when it comes to tweets about COVID-19 vaccines. The larger and darker the rectangle is, the more the hashtag was tweeted.
Most shared Web Pages and Websites
What sources of information have people used in the last week?
What are the sources from which people get their information? This is an issue that in recent years has reached high importance given the significant increase in fake news and misleading information.
Here we highlight the most popular URLs shared in the last week by tweets mentioning COVID-19 vaccines.
Through a constantly updated classification we can monitor the domains that have been tweeted the most, which are the websites from which the users recover information about the vaccines.
Symptom Discussed by the Users
What possible symptoms are being discussed?
What symptoms or medical terms are mentioned when people tweet about COVID-19 vaccines? This Word Cloud shows what the people of Twitter have focused since we started monitoring it.
The algorithm that this module is based on has been developed by the same research group and has been recently published in two of the most important conferences in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing: EACL 2021 and W3PHIAI (Best Short Paper - sponsored by IBM), workshop co-located with AAAI 2021.
Click on a concept to explore related tweets or filter the words by vaccine and by date.
Most frequent concepts per vaccine
Discover which side-effects were mentioned more frequently for every vaccine.
The code for the algorithm and the processed data are available for research purposes.
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Sentiment plot
Explore how the sentiment of the crowd evolved in time. Change period of time by dragging the graphic. Choose which vaccines you want to visualize by clicking on the legend.
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The information in this website is obtained from Twitter and automatically processed by machine learning algorithms, without any human verification or fact-checking.
The utilized algorithm is described in this paper. By no means the visualized information should be intended as trustable for any scope.
For an example of proper use of the information please see the related journal article.