Carlo Tasso is Full Professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Sciences of the Univeristy of Udine. In 1984 he founded the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the same University, where he is currently responsible of several research projects in the area of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems.
He has lectured also at the Master in Computer Science jointly organized by the University of Houston and the University of Udine.
More specifically his research projects have included intelligent interfaces for information retrieval and information filtering, user modeling, multiple modeling of physical systems, diagnostic knowledge-based systems, student modeling, intelligent tutoring systems, natural language interfaces, knowledge representation methods for natural language texts.
He is the author of more than 80 scientific publications. He is member of AAAI and ACL, and one of the founders of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence. He has been engaged in several research and development projects in the area of artificial intelligence and expert systems in industrial environment. He organized international schools and conferences in the area of knowledge-based systems. He has been cooperating for many years with the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences where he is the Scientific Editor of the series CISM courses and Lectures published by Springer Verlang Wien – New York.
For more info please visit the research and publication sections of this website, his google scholar profile, and his Linkedin page. Carlo Tasso’s Curriculum Vitae can be downloaded here: